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Service level agreement

Education settings have the freedom to source and purchase the specialist services which they require. Through commissioning our specialist education and health services directly your setting will have dedicated provision, no waiting list and the freedom to use our service to suit the needs present within your setting.

EHP can be commissioned for standalone input , such as assessments, alongside repeated or ongoing work. Service level agreements are a cost effective way of using our comprehensive education and health services. Commissioning our services is an effective and co-ordinated way to bring many benefits into your setting.

Where do we offer service level agreements to schools?

The SEND code of practice (2015) recommends that schools become commissioners of their own services:

Schools, including early years providers, and post-16 settings can also be commissioners in their own right. Schools have a notional SEN budget and many schools will commission services (such as speech and language therapy, pastoral care and counselling services) to support pupils.

Why do settings choose school commissioned external services over local authority services?

Local authority services vary in terms of resources, available provision, and consistency. Many local authorities are now charging schools for all services through a traded model. This means that schools are now paying for more services than previously.

The above changes have led to disparities in the provision of what local authorities offer. With in house and partially traded services, local authorities often are only able to meet a school's statutory demands. Schools may be unable to access to a broader range of early intervention, therapeutic and non-statutory provision.

For education settings to deliver the best possible education to their students, they should have the option of accessing high quality external services, which is why:

  • We provide one place to access all specialist education and health services
  • We are a specialist multidisciplinary education and health service that is accessible to all
  • We help education providers to achieve greater value for money and improved outcomes through our integrated education and health service
  • We provide a flexible service that adapts to the needs of the child, young person, and education setting
  • We support the needs of children, young people and staff by being a flexible, reliable and solution focused education and health service
  • We help identify needs through effective screening, assessments, and increasing awareness
  • Our comprehensive specialist education and health service covers all areas of SEND
  • We provide education settings with a cost effective high quality specialist education and health service

Service level agreements provide a co-ordinated way of working which is bespoke, proactive and innovative to meet the specific needs of the school. 

Why commission our service for your school?

There are many reasons to consider commissioning our specialist education and health services. These include:


We believe in maximising children and young people's potential by providing a provision which is needs-led with a focus on identifying needs. We value the views of children and young people and, as we are working towards preparing them for adulthood, we encourage them to participate in decision making.

Achievement and results

We believe in achieving results and outcomes through efficient, practical and evidence-based solutions. We value the long term impact and lifelong opportunities provided by working in this way alongside the Assess - Plan - Do - Review process.

Accessibility and flexibility

We believe that our specialist multidisciplinary team encourages a wider access to services, making us accessible to all. We value our flexibility which allows us to provide a truly accessible service which will be available when needs arise or adapt.


We believe that through effective partnerships and collaborations, our multidisciplinary approach provides a supportive network and an efficient service. We value the importance of communication within teamwork and joint planning to provide smooth co-ordination and transitions between both EHP professionals and education settings. Working together facilitates the best outcomes for children and young people.

Expertise and professionalism

We value the varied areas of expertise within our team and believe that through combining this specialist knowledge we are able to promote an all encompassing service. We value our professionals and their ability to demonstrate transparent and consistent decision making in line with best interests.

Continuous development

We value the increase in specialist knowledge that CPD brings in order to provide the best possible service. We believe in continuous improvement, both as professionals and as a service. As professionals we have an ongoing commitment to CPD which maintains our high standards of evidence-based practice by sharing our knowledge and keeping informed of new research. We facilitate CPD for our stakeholders to empower them within the world of SEND and share good practice.

Providing value for money

We believe in providing the best service for all. In order to do this we must maintain a wide variety of packages and service options suitable for all education settings' budgets. We believe in making the best use of resources in order to provide true value for money.


We believe in the importance of social and educational inclusion for ages 0-25 in all settings. We believe in having high aspirations and expectations for all students and enabling every person we work with to fulfil their true potential. We value the positive impact education can have on students' futures, which is why we aim to fully include each student in their educational experience to maximise their potential. We promote a culture of inclusion at all times.

If you would like to commission our specialist education and health services within your school then please express an interest in a service level agreement and a member of our team will be in touch with you.

Get in touch

If you would like to find out more about the services we offer or to book a free initial discussion then please contact us not on 0330 088 8408 or email

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